Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fantabulous Alpha

Whew, what a busy week this has been. It has just flown by and I realized that I have not posted the alpha to the Fantabulous kit yet. For some reason, it's been hard for me to get back in the swing of things. Anyway, enjoy this alpha.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Fantabulous Elements

We are finishing school this week and I am ready for a break. It's been raining a lot here lately. My garden is really growing. I have tiny green tomatoes the size of large marbles. Here are the elements to the Fantabulous kit. I haven't had a lot of time so this kit is kind of small but it's the quality, not quantity, right?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Fantabulous Papers

I'm here again. I've been working on a kit I call Fantabulous. It's kind of a simple kit. I hope you can use it. My computer has been giving me problems so my husband wiped the hard drive again. He just did it in March but it was really running slow. Anyway, I'm back up and running now.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Beach Papers

We had a great time in Panama City, Florida. We stayed in a condo right on the beach. There was a lot of competition as Katie was competing with gymnasts from 8 states but she did well and we are very proud of her. We went to the beach everyday. The girls enjoyed boogie-boarding and making sand castles. My oldest daughter even made a dolphin sand sculpture. There was quite a bit of noise there as Thunder Beach Bike Week was going on at the same time as we were there. There was an estimated 300,000 bikers there so we heard motorcycles a lot. I took some of my pictures and made a mini-kit of Beach papers for you. I hope you can use these.
On a sad note, Bear never came home.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Back from vacation

Just wanted to let you know that I'm back from Florida. I haven't had a moment to work on any freebies but I am posting a few pictures that I took from our trip. I'll write more about our trip later.