My daughter and I went and posted "Lost Cat" posters all over the neighborhood yesterday and we asked some children in the neighboring area if they had seen a cat and this little girl said that she had seen a gray cat a couple of days ago go into the sewer underground and she showed us where. My daughter had a couple of friends with her who went to the sewer and called for Bear, our missing cat. We did hear a meow from the sewer but we had no way of getting her. One of my daughter's friends suggested calling the fire department to get her out. I went over to the local fire department and asked if they could help so three firemen came over and lifted the grate and a cat did come out but it was not my Bear. Sadly, she is still missing. We did feel so grateful to the fire department that my daughter made brownies and we took them over to them as a small token of our appreciation. They really are our "heroes"!
Here's the second part to the Rain papers. These papers will be in 3 downloads as the file is so huge. If you missed the first part, you can snag it in yesterday's post. Enjoy your day!

I wish to thank you so much for this kit - well heck girl - thanks for every KIT!!!!
I needed the Kleenex when reading your post - as in YAY, you found kitty, and then the heart sinking... And the firefighters... they are our heroes. (hands down). That was so sweet of your daughter to bake brownies!!! This touched me on so many levels. I guess I am just and old sap. Anyway, I hope kitty turns up -
big hugs!
I am so sorry to hear about your cat. Your daughter sounds really kind and that is a plus. :)
Barbara, reading about Bear is making tears well up. I'm so sad for your daughter and family. That was neat that the firemen were able to save at least one cat. They really are our heroes. Thank you for these beautiful papers. Leaving you some love.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful work!! These papers are gorgeous!
Firefighters what would we do without them they are ready to help out no matter what the problem is. Your daughter is a very generous person. This world would be a lot better place with more young people like her. Love the colorful papers for this kit. I always enjoy the rain. Hoping to here that her kitty comes home soon.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Elements or Papers post on Apr. 21, 2009. Thanks again.
I am glad you were able to save a kitty, too bad it wasn't yours. :-( Hope you find Bear soon.
Cute papers!!!! :-) Thanks!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 21 Apr [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 22 Apr [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
what a wonderful story. had a missing cat once, went crazy looking everywhere for her. keep looking, she's probably looking for you. great part of your story was you probably found someone elses family member. pray to you
oh ty for rain. awesome
Well, 1-I'm going to say thanks for the pretty, pretty papers. They are just the colors I love. 2-I'm going to say you're welcome "from" the firefighters. From a fire-wife, me, they really appreciate being appreciated. They are heroes, bar-none! "When all others are rushing out, firefighters are rushing in". I truly, truly hope you find bear. The worst is not knowing. I'll add you and your family to my prayer-list. Good luck and thanks again.
What a wonderfully vibrant kit. Thank you!
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