Monday, January 26, 2009

Lemonade Award

I got an award from Eila at A Day in the Life. She does amazing photography and lives in the beautiful state of Montana. If you haven't checked out her blog, you should.
Here are the rules for receiving the Lemonade award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post with the person from whom you received your award.
Ajila- you deserve an award for all the faithful commenting that you give, not only on my blog but all the others that I see you on! Now, girlfriend, you need to set up your blog so we can come and visit you!
Same goes for Jesse7 ! You are so faithful to comment on my blog and others. There are tutorials on the web that will help you set up your blog. You might want to start with this one: . Here's a video on You Tube about blogging also.
Juli and Brett- Another faithful visitor to my blog who always leaves comments. That's what keeps me going.
KrisG- Another faithful visitor. Can you see a pattern here? Visit her site to view some great layouts!
Nancy- Nancy has used quite a few of my kits on her blog. . . and always leaves comments on mine.
I also would give the award to these lovely scrappers:
MsWackets, Grammadiane, leggs 362636, Ladyzip, and Rosemary. If you have a blog, please let me know! I do know that you all leave wonderful comments on my 4shared account! Thank you. I read each and every one of them.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Michele's Sunflower Alpha

Here's the alpha to Michele's Sunflower kit. The display basket is another wonderful creation from Deb at The Scrappin Cop. If you haven't checked out her blog, you should. I wanted to show you the detail to this alpha so you could see the little design in the background. Please keep your suggestions for a new kit coming. I need inspiration!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Michele's Sunflower Elements

I hope you are enjoying this kit. I have not been in a creative mood lately. You know the feeling... you work on a layout but it's not quite right and nothing is working. Well, that's where I am right now in creating a new kit. I am kind of leaning towards creating another "state" kit but don't know which state or the colors I would use. If anyone out there in scrapland would like to give me some suggestions on what they would like please let me know. I cannot guarantee that I will create a kit from your suggestion but that might get my creative juices flowing again.

Without further ado, here are the elements to Michele's Sunflower kit. This download is quite large so I broke it up into 2 parts. The links can be found UNDER the image. Enjoy!

Download part 1 here
Download part 2 here

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Michele's Sunflower Papers 2

It snowed here in Mississippi yesterday. But it didn't stick. Alas, my girls did not get to play in it. Life goes on. Here is the second set of papers to Michele's Sunflower kit. I'll have the elements for you tomorrow. I'd love to see some layouts. Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Michele's Sunflower Papers 1

Today is Inauguration Day and I heard that Washington, DC has 5,000 porta potties available. That is the most set up in one place in history so far. The DC metropolitan area has 95,000 hotel rooms; 4 million out-of-town guests are expected. Can you imagine?
Here is the first set of papers to Michele's Sunflower kit. I'll have the 2nd set for you tomorrow.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Michele's Sunflower Sneak Preview

If you like sunflowers have I got a kit for you this week! Michele at The Scrappin Sunflower recently requested that I make a kit with sunflowers and I finished it this past week so here is a sneak preview of what to expect starting tomorrow.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Cork Meets Plaid Alpha

I am really enjoying the comments that I am reading lately. Here's a few responses from the elements comments.

Kel: Where we live if they even "think" it's going to snow schools close! Funny, huh.

Ajila: Thanks for the kind comments you faithfully leave me. I do try to make my elements different and unique from others.

Michele: I just finished your kit and will start it next week!

KrisG: Thanks so much for the push pin tutorials. I looked at both of them. I am a "pack rat" when it comes to tutorials also.
lovetocraftbetty: Thank you for your faithful comments each time. I read every one of them.

Brenda: It is amazing to think of Florida as being cold.

Christelle from South Africa: I remember visiting your blog with all those beautiful Rome photos.

Cindy from Ohio: You might want to check out my Montana kit also.

I know I'm leaving some comments out but I don't want to write a book. Please know that I appreciate every comment that I receive. Now, I leave you with the alpha. Have a great weekend and I'll be back on Monday with another new kit.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cork Meets Plaid Elements

Here are the elements for the Cork Meets Plaid kit. The first element that I made was a corkboard. Other "office-type" elements followed. I'm not too happy with the pushpins. I've seen better ones out there but I'm not sure how to make them. I really am still new at this designing. I hope you can use these. The alpha comes tomorrow. Have a warm day!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cork Meets Plaid Papers 2

I was "visiting" Eila from Montana yesterday. She has a challenge for all of us that is very simple to do and will not cost you any money but will help lots of people in need. This is it:

Paste this link as your home page. It is The Hunger Site. All you have to do is click on it once a day and money will be donated for the hungry. Too good to be true. That's what Eila thought too, so she looked it up on Snopes. It is true. Apparently sponsors donate depending on how many clicks the site gets. So, come and take the challenge with me and make The Hunger Site your home page and click on it once a day. That's all you need to do. More than once a day doesn't count. Make it your home page so you won't forget to do it everyday. Thanks, Eila!
Now, who is ready for more Cork Meets Plaid papers? Here is the second set. Oh, I wanted to say that I have really enjoyed seeing where everyone is from. If you haven't done so yet, let me know where you are from.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cork Meets Plaid Papers 1

I've been wanting a Wii Fit since before Christmas but everywhere I go they are always sold out. Well, last night my hubby finally was able to find one at Circuit City. I'm not very good at balance but I can hoola-hoop! It's fun!
Here's the first set of papers for you. I've been wanting to do a kit with cork so I scanned some cork that I found around the house, turned it into a pattern, and voila! --cork paper! I hope you have a great day today wherever you may be in this world!
Hey, let's try something new today. When (yes, when . . . I'm thinking positive here) you leave me a comment, let me know where you are from-- your state if you're from the US and your country if you're from outside the US.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Cork Meets Plaid Preview

My daughter did end up competing at her gymnastics meet this weekend. She got 2 bronze metals and 1 silver. We are very proud of her. She is only 10 years old but these little girls compete on all 4 events, just like the Olympics. The bad thing is my camera is on the fritz! My hubby takes the camcorder and we did get video but no stills.

Here is a sneak preview of the new kit that I am starting tomorrow. It's called "Cork Meets Plaid".

Friday, January 9, 2009

Jeweltone Alpha

I have a question for all of you out there in Scrapland. This is showing my ignorance but I really want to know the answer. What does "scrap for hire" mean? I see that on so many kits out there but do not know what it means. Can someone enlighten me?
Here's the final part to Jeweltone. I'm using another one of Deb's containers (The Scrappin' Cop) for the preview. I really like texture so this alpha is no exception. Again, you can't really see all the texture in this preview. You'll just have to download it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jeweltone Elements

One of the things I really think is neat with this blog stuff is if someone leaves you a comment (and their blog address) you can go step inside "their house" and "visit" with them (providing that it is an open house and not private). I have been to quite a few "houses" getting to know you. Some of you (and you know who you are) I really feel like I know you . . . even though I've never met you personally. Kinda cool, huh? Does anyone else feel this way?

Here are the elements to the Jeweltone kit. I hope you can find a use for them in your scrapbooking adventures. Thanks for leaving me a comment. I do read each and every one of them.

P.S. It's Elvis' birthday today. I know you really wanted to know that bit of trivia today!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jeweltone Papers 2

Hello everyone. My youngest daughter has a gymnastic meet coming up this weekend but on Monday she hurt her knee at practice so I'm not sure if she is going to compete or not. We'll see. Here is the second set of papers for you. Talk to you later.

Oh, as I was posting this I just noticed that the Papers are labeled set 1 but it is the 2nd set. Sorry about that.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jeweltone Papers 1

The holidays are over and I'm trying to get back into my routine. It's hard to sometimes get back into the groove. Do you know what I mean? Here is the first set of papers. The preview doesn't really show what the papers look like. They kind of have a grunge feel to them. As always, let me know what you think. Oh, I almost forgot to mention this. I split this download into 2 parts as the file was pretty big. Download BOTH parts at the bottom of the preview.

Download part 1 here

Download part 2 here

Monday, January 5, 2009

Jeweltone Preview

Well I have to say that I have had more comments on my Old Barn kit than any other. Hmmmm, I wonder why! Since the game went SO well I thought we would try it again. I'm not going to set a minimum number of comments this time. We'll just see how many respond. If you have no idea what I am talking about this is how it works. Here's a sneak preview of my new kit "Jeweltone". In order for me to release the papers tomorrow I need you to comment on this post. If you have never left a comment, this is the time to do it! Ready, get set, go!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Old Barn Alpha

Does anyone make New Year's Resolutions? I try to read the Bible through every year. I've done it every year for 6 years except for last year. Homeschooling a high schooler kept me pretty busy this past year so I was only able to read the New Testament and about half of the Old Testament.
Many commit to losing weight. That's probably the number one resolution. I have never made that as a New Year's Resolution but recently I was reading Michele's blog and she mentioned that she lost a lot of weight using a web site called SparkPeople. I had never heard of it before so decided to check it out. It really is a neat site. It's FREE and has a nutrition tracker and fitness tracker on it. You can also sign up for support groups that will help you and encourage you. I signed up!

Thanks to all who come and visit my little spot on the world-wide web. Who's ready for the Old Barn Alpha?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Old Barn Elements

Happy New Year! As I reflect back on 2008 I think about all of my new blog friends that I have met. Less than 3 months ago I had never blogged before and had never designed kits before. What a joy it is for me to design these kits and give them away... knowing that, perhaps, I have given a small pleasure to someone, some element that they needed to create the perfect memory page, or some paper that would work with a certain photo. Thank you all for visiting my blog. I hope you will visit me frequently in 2009 as well!

Now, I do need to tell you that sometimes I just rack my brain trying to create "new" elements for a kit. Warning! Some elements in this kit may appear to be stranger that they actually are. LOL!